
Love Hungry and Mindless Ramblings

Love Hungry has officially begun and in 25 days the youth group at Word of Life Chapel hopes to have over $10,000 raised to help feed and care for the people of Haiti. If you'd like to help out by donating to this cause I will be setting up an online account through World Vision sometime within the next few days. 

Just recieved a letter from the township, they're changing our address upon approval from the Lancaster County Wide Communications people. I guess there has been a problem with emergency response vehicles being able to correctly identify our buildings, so this change of address should help to clear things up. I never really realized how many places I have my address until now and somehow I am feeling slighty sentimental about the possibility of no longer being 2017. After I order new mailing labels, and get a change of address card I will have to update my sales license, 401k, health insurance, car insurance, credit cards, bank accounts, magazine subscriptions, loan payments...blah blah blah. However, when I've eaten myself into a food coma I guess I will be happy when the ambulance can find me in a timely fashion and pump my stomach accordingly!

I was going to say something sarcastically Witty about the roommate, but now I'm really drawing a blank on what it was, which I must admit is slightly disappointing. I think my brain is officially done, my body is telling me to take a break and I actually may listen to it this time. I'm utterly exhausted and having problems formulating complete thoughts but my legs are wanting to do nothing but move...hm, restless leg syndrome? I'll have to Google that... Nope, just A.D.D.


snowflakes to snowballs

While I was growing up, and my A.D.D. was probably more than my parents could handle at the time, they would send me outside to build, create, and explore. Most often it was my Mom who encouraged me to pass the time by exploring with science and nature... playing with things that I could tangibly see cause and effect, rhyme and reason.  I had a book filled with science experiments and in this book was a clever way to catch snowflakes and keep them frozen long enough so you could admire many at once without them melting on your mittens. I still remember, walking out onto my front porch, with my cookie sheet, plastic wrap and black construction paper to see if I could prove science wrong and find 2 snowflakes exactly alike. Thus, becoming an instant millionaire and never having to return to school again! I bet I sat there for a solid 30 minutes (stop judging me, I could barely sit still long enough to use the bathroom let alone stare at particles of frozen water formed into stars!). Defeated I went back inside where I believe I got the "snowflakes are like people, they're all similar but each one is unique in it's own way, and they are all designed different just the way God designed each person differently" speech. Darn, science wins again... back to school it is.

More recently I began thinking about snowballs. It's amazing how a snowflake singled out is so vulnerable and delicate, but when packed together with some of it's closest friends it can be used to bring life to Frosty and chase away bullies! Maybe my mom was right afterall, snowflakes are just like people, alone we are vulnerable and delicate, but when we have friends and a support system, we somehow feel like we can be a part of something truly larger than ourselves.


oh the irony of Breaking Free.

Pathetic as this is, I just had to email my Mom to let her know that the only Friday I have left for the entire month of February is luckily on her birthday, so schedule it or be doomed I said!

This is my life, before a month can end the next is almost full.  I'm not complaining because I know that this is life for most people, what I am saying though is...SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!?!? Stop and smell the roses, hold your horses, enjoy the wonders of life that are all around you. As a person who feels the need to constantly be doing something every waking moment it is extremely hard for me to not fill up every blank square in my calendar with pretty colors and fun plans.

While talking with my dear friend Sarah today I realized a few things: I need to slow down, my life is too easy, but most importantly, I realized what it really means to be a friend. I've known Sarah since 2nd grade, she knows me better than sometimes I think I know myself. We chat often, fighting the unreliability of Facebook Chat and Haiti's power grid and she always makes sure that I answer every single question she has thrown at me with the velocity of a automatic weapon. If she doesn't like an answer that I've given to a particular question, if I've purposefully tried to just fluff and answer and move on to the next she knows. While she was expressing her concern for my busy schedule and what she might possibly think is an over committed person teetering on the brink of insanity (she may be right) she made me wonder what exactly I was trying to accomplish by filling every empty square with pretty colors of ink. I told her the crust of my schedule looked like: youth retreat, Diamond Smuggling, coffee fellowship, 30 Hour Famine, Motor Trend Auto Show and Bible study which will be weekly for the next few months. She said "Bible study" which I sarcastically replied "Yes, Bible study, you know that thing where we as Christians gather to fellowship and grow together" which she replied "no, I know that.." and before she could say anything else I said "it's called Breaking Free by Beth Moore" and then she went rambling on some more about color coding my life, and how she would get such enjoyment out of it, and about my schedule and how she doesn't like that I'm so busy and then.."you need some time just to break free". BAM! Oh, the irony of Breaking Free.


be still and know

I just came to the realization that...I love my life right now. This season that I am currently in could not be better. I have an awesome roommate, and a lovely apartment, a core group of friends who I couldn't live without and I am constantly encouraged by all of the little things in life that I have pathetically failed at noticing before.

Last night as a friend was praying for dinner, I was just overwhelmed with a sense of peace, definitely a strange feeling when you thought you were at peace before. Suddenly I was thinking...so THIS is what being still is.

Hopefully it wasn't just a coincidence that I was feeling at peace because I came home from a long day at work to a wonderful meal cooked by Mark and Josiah and knew I would be doing nothing the rest of the evening but watching a movie and waiting for the snow to start. I guess we'll find out!

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